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Class II Biological Safety

n-Safe XL - Class II Cabinet

Extraordinary Inner Dimensions

n-Safe XL cabinets offer extraordinary inner dimensions, whenever the working space of a standard cabinet isn´t sufficient: XL cabinets come with an interior height of 1000mm and an interior depth of 900mm. The complete front can be opened to easily fit in large devices, e.g. a pipetting robot.

n-Safe XL cabinets are manufactured according to EN 12469 and can also be delivered as a three-filter cabinet with H14 prefilters according to DIN12980, B2 cabinets with 100% exhaust air or as an open laminar flow cabinet for product protection.

Upon request, the n-Safe XL cabinets are also available in widths of up to 3600mm, as a customised solution.

n-Safe XL Safety Cabinet

The front of the cabinets can be completely opened for an opening height of 1.000 mm

n-Safe XL Safety Cabinet

Optional H14 pre filters according to DIN12980

n-Safe Standard Features

All n-Safe biological safety cabinets come with dimmable LED lights. Adjustable or electrical elevated support stands can be operated directly from the cabinet’s touch panel.

The optional UV-light is positioned with easy access and available in either fluorescent standard tube or with UVC-LEDs for an incomparable long life. User friendly segmented 300mm wide tabletops allow easy cleaning.

The n-Safe Premium range comes with an aerosol tight front as standard and the new unique Multi Angle UV-light, with automatically opened shutters when started. No flow disturbance when in use and no manual cover plates to handle.

A wide range of options

Engineered by Experience

Compact design, which doesn´t compromise the best usable inner dimensions.

Nordic Labtech manufactures intelligent engineered, biological safety cabinets, which provide clean air solutions for a wide range of applications, ranging from routine work with potentially hazardous samples to the handling of cytotoxic compounds. n-Safe products also provide the level of operator, product and environmental protection you need, while every cabinet is designed to make your daily work as safe, easy and comfortable as possible.

n-Safe cabinets have been tested and validated since 2015, proving their outstanding performance, high levels of reliability and quality as well as ease of use. Using the latest technology in combination with state-of-the art techniques, the n-Safe range offers advanced products, which are easy to clean and maintain. Scandinavian design brings ergonomics to a higher level: dimmable LED lights are a standard feature as well as remarkably low sound levels. Support stands are available in an either manually or electrically adjustable version.

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